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Blogging is a totally new concept to me! I looking forward to exploring and experimenting with new idea and at the same time share a little of what I have learned throughout my years in education.

I am currently taking a cyper course in technology for teachers. Now, that I have read chapter 12 of the textbook authored by Drew Tiene and Albert Ingram titled, Exploring Current Issues in Educational Technology. I am even more cautious of what I can safely say and not say while blogging.

Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions to help improve my blogging skills. I am receptive to positive criticism. In my haste, I have made some simple, time-consuming unbelieveable mistakes that I just couldn't help but laugh at myself.

Now, that things have settled down for me at work, I can concentrate more on blogging. This weekend has been quite enlightening as I have enjoyed revisiting and visiting blogs.

Welcome! I will try to make your stay as pleasant, and as entertaining and as infomative as possible.

Some Thoughts on Learning.

"Learning is not child's play; we cannot learn withouth pain."
-- Aristotle

"The important thing is not so much that ev ery child should be taught as that every child should be given the wish to learn"
--- John Lubbock

"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."
--- Derek Bok

Floral Arrangement

Floral Arrangement
Mother Day's is May 9, 2010.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

English SOL 5.4, and 5.9

Literacy is not taught in isolation. I remember more when I can relate new information to something that I already know especially if it is related to a topic that I like. I think I can safely say this is true for both learners and teachers.

Educators generally combine two or three Standards when teaching a lesson. Due to time constraints, I particularly try to integrate a science and/or social studies objective into reading lessons along with oral language and writing objectives. However, for this blog, I will stick with English objectives.

English Standard of Learning Reading Objective 5.4 reads: The student will read fiction and nonfiction with fluency and accuracy. b)Use knowledge of root words, prefixes, and suffixes."

English Standard of Learning Writing Objective 5.9 reads: "The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure."

I found a site that I think is absolutely wonderful for addressing a number of Standards of Learning Objectives. The site is interdisciplinary in that it covers all core subject areas. The site has links to other sites that are safe for students to use. If I decide that I want the student read a science objective, he or she can easily do it while visiting the site below.

It is usually best to go to the home page and click on the links that you wish to have the students interact with. Go to www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/interactive/literacy/index.htm
Once there, Click English, then click on Prefixes and Suffixes for interactive practice on Reading 5.4b. This site is just awesome for Elementary Students.

There are several choices (grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. ) for Writing SOL 5.9. The students are able to edit sentences by re-typing the sentences correctly.
www.primaryresources.co.uk/online/lists1.htm There are interactive on-line story starters/prompt to help students with creative writing, too.

Students may also edit words for correct spelling at www.pdictionary.com/english/stinky_spelling.php

Number and Number Sense - Math 3.4

The SOL read as follows:

"The student will recognize and use the inverse relationships between addition/subtraction and
multiplication/division to complete basic fact sentences. Students will use these relationships
to solve problems such as 5 + 3 = 8 and 8 - 3 = _____ . "

In order to become successful at solving word problems, students must first understand the
relationship between addition/subtraction and multiplication and division. The site
http://www.aaamath.com provides guided practice in an abundance of math SOL objectives for grades kindergarten to eight. It also has a Spanish version.
