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Blogging is a totally new concept to me! I looking forward to exploring and experimenting with new idea and at the same time share a little of what I have learned throughout my years in education.

I am currently taking a cyper course in technology for teachers. Now, that I have read chapter 12 of the textbook authored by Drew Tiene and Albert Ingram titled, Exploring Current Issues in Educational Technology. I am even more cautious of what I can safely say and not say while blogging.

Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions to help improve my blogging skills. I am receptive to positive criticism. In my haste, I have made some simple, time-consuming unbelieveable mistakes that I just couldn't help but laugh at myself.

Now, that things have settled down for me at work, I can concentrate more on blogging. This weekend has been quite enlightening as I have enjoyed revisiting and visiting blogs.

Welcome! I will try to make your stay as pleasant, and as entertaining and as infomative as possible.

Some Thoughts on Learning.

"Learning is not child's play; we cannot learn withouth pain."
-- Aristotle

"The important thing is not so much that ev ery child should be taught as that every child should be given the wish to learn"
--- John Lubbock

"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."
--- Derek Bok

Floral Arrangement

Floral Arrangement
Mother Day's is May 9, 2010.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Resources for Teachers and Learners

Teachers and students will enjoy the collection of Free PowerPoint Presentations and Free
Interactive Activities for Kids at http://www.pppst.com/

Participation in "Chain Reaction" at http://ecokids.ca/pub/eco_info/topics/frogs/chain_reaction/index.cfm

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